November 24, 2009

Toledo Walleye

October ushered in the return of hockey to Toledo after a two year hiatus. Being a hockey fan, I, of course, bought season tickets. These are just some of the shots taken from my seat.

From the opening ceremonies

and the puck drop,

there is always a lot of action when the whistle blows!

There is always fun and excitement!

But the best part is when we score the winning goal,

and become the victors!

Toledo Portait Photographer: September 2009

Here is just a sampling of some of my work from September:

Here are a few of the shots from the Circle of Red Kickoff Party for the American Heart Association's Go Red Campaign at Sophia Lustig Shop in Downtown Toledo:

For more information or to schedule your appointment at Kurt Nielsen Photography, please call (419) 885-7153.

October 29, 2009

Toledo Portrait Studio: July and August 2009

Back to catching are just some of the people I photographed in July and August!

For more information about Kurt Nielsen Photography, call (419) 885-7153!